Written by Peleng
One of the unusual ways of using Peleng 8mm fisheye lens is its application in the projectors of digital planetariums. Digital planetarium gives the possibility to project different images on the dome of the planetarium and thus creating the presence effect, i.e. the audience can be immersed in virtual worlds. Earlier planetariums projected only celestial objects (displaying the stars, the planets and their orbits, simulating celestial phenomena such as meteor showers etc.), however now it is possible to show any images like cartoons, short films and videos, including, for example, simulation of flight to the stars or your own images and videos.

Digital planetariums contain the projector and the dome and can be used for different purposes:
- educational (for teaching the scholars and students astronomy)
- entertaining (for entertaining both children and adults)
- for scientific purposes.

Planetariums can use either single projector (usually located at the center of a hemispherical projection surface), or several projectors. The advantage of the single projector system is avoiding edge blends between several projectors. The disadvantage consists in the loss of the center of the dome for optimal viewing of the reconstructed perspective view. The benefit of the multiple projector system is splitting the entire image in to the segments which allows for higher resolution images. The disadvantage is the need to frequently adjust the uneven aging of several projectors which results in the difference of the brightness of separate segments. Whatever type of digital planetarium you would prefer to choose (either single projector or multiple projector system) we would recommend to use Peleng 8mm fisheye lens the photos and characteristics of which you may find below.

*the images of the products are courtesy of Immersive Adventure