Written by Peleng
AF confirm chips for Olympus 4/3 mount and for micro 4/3 have 7 contacts, but camera has 9. Correct position of AF Confirm Chip for Olympus and Panasonic cameras: |
Read more... [Correct position of AF Confim Chip for 4/3 and micro 4/3 mount]
Written by peleng8,com
AF confirm chip for Canon: Detailed programming instructions in English, other English, Italian, German, French, Portugal, Russian.
AF confirm chip for Olympus: Detailed programming instructions in English.
AF confirm chip for Nikon: Detailed programming instructions in English, Russian.
Written by Peleng
| Before you will start to glue confirm chip you should measure height landing for AF confirm chip. Height will be about 5.3-5.5 mm. If it less, you’d increase it with small piece of a cardboard. Some rings have about 6mm height. This ring can spoil AF chip because of friction
Read more... [How to glue AF confrim chip Dandelion for Canon]
Written by Dandelion AF chip
When you fit lens on camera, camera body needs to know if lens was set right. After that camera start check AF chip. Canon has 2 ways to do this. The first way is to close 2 >especial contact electrodes on bayonet. The second way is to push the sensor pin which is hidden in the camera body under mount. If AF chip was pushed and the shutter was pressed without AF chip, camera body is not working good. All manufactures of Confirm Adapters cut petal pusher for it doesn’t push the sensor pin. But when you fit the chip, the petal pusher should be full size. Lets do it!
Read more... [Refinement of adapter]