European adapter from Hasselblad to Canon Eos, provided with electronic confirmation of focusing. Chip of the 4th Generation is customised. 
The main drawback of manual lenses used with Canon SLR cameras of EOS series is absence of focus confirmation. Canon EOS cameras usually inform about focusing by green point that is visible in the viewfinder or sometimes by special sound. It works even in manual mode with all AF lenses. Not with lenses mounted with an adapter. In other words, focus confirmation is not for lenses with the bayonet which differs from EF. The only way to make the camera not to turn off visual and sound confirmation is to let it suppose that there's an EF-compatible lens adjoined to it. That was the main task of those who created Hasselblad adapter: to return to photographers audio and visual focus confirmation to which they are quiet accustomed. Characteristics: Aperture | - From F1.0 to F64 | Focal length | - From 1 mm to 65535 mm | Correction of focus confirmation dot (calibration of front / back focusing) | - 17 levels | Focus mode | - AF / MF | Entering program mode | - Delay from 1 sec to 99 sec (with each step of 1 sec) | | | Material | - Steel | Color | - Silver |
Development of the chip of AF confirmation  This new 4th generation chip that emulates AF is manufactures from last autumn. New version has no differences in how it looks like, it resembles the previous one. Differences are inside: it is fully redone. Some months ago its metal contacts became of more quality. Amongst improvements are gold plated contacts which means better contact with camera pins. You may recognize them as they glow more.
Newer version is programmable so it is possible for you to change settings of the diaphragme and focal length without need in removing lens. Moreover, this AF emulator confirms focusing more properly because of the function of calibration.
On default this emulator chip doesn't work in manual mode because of ability of working in autofocus mode. It gives you the better quality of focusing and allows to user to set this chip for different lens types. In this mode the sensor is working more accurately. Now the sound confirmation is re-enabled.
There are another improvements. For example, you may block the shutter release until you get the signal of confirmation. The picture may be taken right after this signal in case you don't press the button at all. It will let you take series of photos of high-speed objects.
Finally, you can choose your own settings of this AF emulator chip right from the camera. Pretty useful. Just consult with the instructions.
AF emulator chip may be mounted at any digital or film camera made by Canon EOS. An image for example: 
Canon 350D + Helios 40 (80mm F/1.5) Kit included: Hasselblad - Canon EOS Ring | - 1pc | AF confirmation chip (mounted to the ring) | - 1pc | Detailed programming instructions - English
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| - 1pc | 7 % Discount Coupon at | - 1pc | |